A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make Your Car Smell New
The smell we associate with anything new wears away over time, whether it’s the rubber soles of brand-new shoes or the freshness of that new car smell. Many of us spend as much time in our cars as we do at home, commuting, camping, or whatever else we do. With so much activity that goes on inside a vehicle, maintaining that new car smell can be challenging.
The following guide includes numerous steps to systematically elevate your car from a messy zone into a clean, fresh, inviting space. Regular upkeep can help maintain that new car smell, but a deep clean every now and then breaks loose those stubborn odors that refuse to leave. Once you’ve achieved that new car smell, rely on Drift car fresheners to infuse your car’s interior with premium scents that reflect your personality.
How to Make Your Car Smell New
The secret to a great-smelling car applies to your home and any space you occupy: practicing good cleaning habits. If you’re unsure where to start, use the following guide as a checklist. By the time you’ve completed it, you’ll be breathing deeply instead of wrinkling your nose each time you get behind the wheel.
1. Clean Your Car’s Interior
As simple as it sounds, cleaning your car’s interior is the first and most important step in making it smell like new. Setting aside time to clean your vehicle can be tedious (especially if you already dedicate time to cleaning the house), but maintaining the interior also helps protect your car’s value.
A few key points as you refresh your vehicle’s interior:
- Wipe down any surfaces, including the dash, seats, and door panels, to remove dust and dead skin cells.
- Clean and condition your car’s leather seats or spot-treat cloth seats.
- Carefully clean air vents by spraying them out gently with compressed air.
- Vacuum the seats and carpets, paying close attention to the seat rails, where crumbs like to collect.
With enough discipline, cleaning your car can go from several hours at a time to an hour or two per month. If you happen to spill something in your vehicle, clean it up immediately to prevent additional smells from seeping in.
2. Add Baking Soda to the Recipe
It’s not just an old wives’ tale that baking soda can help neutralize odors. From the refrigerator to your car, baking soda can remove pungent smells to make your space smell fresh and clean. The night before you schedule a time to clean the car, sprinkle the carpets with baking soda and let them soak. Then, vacuum them to effectively remove stinky aromas.
3. Overpower Odors With Coffee Beans
Small containers of coffee beans are common in candle and fragrance stores. Coffee can also help introduce a stronger smell over stale, musty car odors, especially cigarette smoke. However, depending on the extent to which the odors have sunk into the interior, a deep clean may still be in order.
If you’re not a coffee fan, apple slices are a common alternative. Cut up a medium to large apple and place the slices on a plate within your car overnight. Come morning, discard the apple slices, which have soaked up any remaining odors.
4. Introduce Fresh Air
While the steps thus far have required some elbow grease or a trip to the grocery store, all you need for this step is some fuel and a destination in mind. As you drive around town, roll down the windows to promote airflow. When the fresh outside air passes through the vehicle, it will replace the stale air within.
5. Replace the Air Filters
Replacing your car’s air filters can make a huge difference in promoting a fresher-smelling car. If you’re unsure about where the air filters are located (there’s one in the engine bay and one in the cabin near the glovebox), you can always take your car in and have your chosen mechanic or dealership replace them for you. Annually inspecting and (if necessary) replacing your car’s air filters can help keep your car smelling fresh.
6. Mask Unwanted Smells
Once you’ve created a clean environment in your car, you might feel like it’s time to mask those unwanted smells. Keeping coffee beans in your car can help give you that caffeine aromatherapy. Other methods of masking odors include:
- Dryer sheets
- Incense
- Essential oil-infused cotton balls
- Potpourri
Most drivers spend a fortune trying to mask odors in their vehicles. If you’re ready to invest in a product that genuinely infuses your car’s interior with pleasant smells, check out Drift’s selection of premium car fresheners.
7. Select Your Favorite Scent
Ditch ineffective methods of masking unpleasant car odors and invest in a sustainable, sleek, and elegant solution that fits your style. Drift’s car air fresheners are free from parabens, phthalates, petroleum, mineral oil, and propylene. They’re also vegan, pet-friendly, and cruelty-free.
Drift carries several scents to choose from, each with its own signature aroma:
If you’re unsure which Drift scent best fits your style, take our Scent Quiz for a personal recommendation.
Last Resort: Professional Automotive Detailing
Sometimes, getting your car to smell like new is a job for the professionals. Automotive detailing shops perform interior details on thousands of cars annually, often relying on steamers and ozone machines to extract bad smells and bring customer vehicles back to life. If you go the professional route, be sure to pick up a Drift car freshener to make your car smell as good as it looks.
Establish Your Own New Car Smell With Drift Car Fresheners
Some may find that new car smell desirable, but introducing your own scent into your new car can be even more satisfying. If you’re looking for the best car air freshener that matches your style and scent, Drift’s Wood, Stone, and Metal car fresheners come in sleek, subtle designs. Choose from several sophisticated car fragrances, or sign up for the Scent of the Month subscription for seasonal varieties and unforgettable scents. Which premium scent will you choose?