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Weirdest Car Smells People Actually Enjoy
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Weirdest Car Smells People Actually Enjoy

by Chris Bauer | 03/14/2025

Smells generally fall into one of three categories: the ones we appreciate, those we hate, and the vast majority we could take or leave. While some scents are downright stomach-churning, others become pleasant based on the emotions, places, or people we attach to them. Then there are plain weird smells that—for some odd reason—make us want to catch just one more whiff. 

The list below includes three of the weirdest car smells, which some people actually enjoy, as well as several others that aren’t necessarily car-related. As you read through the smells listed below—including a gas smell in your car—you might be surprised at the strange scents you also like. For those times when you want to replace a bad car smell with an uplifting one, choose a signature Drift car freshener. 


Fill up your car at the pump enough times, and you’ll become familiar with the smell of gasoline vapors. Believe it or not, some people enjoy this scent. It’s been suggested that the smell of gasoline alters our brain chemistry to induce pleasure, but there’s no real evidence to suggest this is the case. 

If there is a gas smell in your car, check to ensure that your gas tank isn’t leaking. Liquid gasoline and its vapors can ignite quickly, and with even half a tank of gas in your vehicle, the situation can become deadly. Leaks at a gas pump can be even more lethal, as there’s a higher concentration of gas present. 

Mechanic Shop

A mechanic shop has a characteristic smell, which some describe as that of motor oil and other automotive fluids. Others credit the scent to metal tools and hard work. This scent might be pleasing to those who grew up in a family of mechanics, partake in the craft of automotive repair work, or appreciate that they can hire a trained mechanic to fix their vehicle. 

Brand-New Tires 

The rubbery smell of new tires has a certain way of pleasing the olfactory senses in some people. Numerous tire shops host this weird car smell, as they’re constantly getting new shipments of tires. If you like the smell of fresh tires, you can also experience it at your local Costco and Sam’s Club.

Other Weird Smells People Actually Enjoy

Weird smells related to cars are few in number compared to the other scents that certain people find appealing. Yet, it’s very possible that the reason these smells are enjoyable varies from one person to the next. Which of the following weird scents do you like? 

Tennis Balls

Popping the cap off a tube of tennis balls releases a specific scent exclusive to these green, furry toys. For anyone who likes the smell of tennis balls, your average dog probably agrees with you. Maybe that’s why they jump up so fast when you open a pack of tennis balls—or dog treats. 

Freezer Burn

The scent of freezer burn is difficult to describe. It is different from the smell of a leftover-ridden refrigerator but somewhat similar to the smell of a bag of ice. Freezer burn stems from the ice that builds up in your freezer. 

A Blown-Out Candle

Candles typically come in a variety of pleasant scents, though there are some out there meant as gag gifts that tend to elicit an unpleasant reaction. However, the smell of a blown-out candle is an odd one, even if it is fleeting. It’s the same smell you might experience after blowing out a lit match. 


The technical term for the smell you experience after a rainstorm, petrichor also escapes easy explanation. We typically associate rain with washing away the dirt and grime of the past and renewing what it touches, which is perhaps why it’s an odd smell that people enjoy. Many find this smell calming and refreshing. 

A Baby’s Head

Ask any mother, and they’ll tell you that the smell of a baby’s head is distinctive and yet fades with time. Science explains this scent as a result of hormones, baby skin oils, and a lack of sweat. Whatever the specific reason(s), there’s no denying the odd yet comforting scent of a newborn’s head.


Some people like the smell of old books and newspapers, but the scent of modern magazines can be even more enticing. The paper, ink, or binding materials can all be the source of the distinctive smell, depending on the magazine in question. People might also like magazines because they contain perfume samples. 

Puppy Breath

Although puppy breath isn’t the most pleasant scent in the world, most puppies more than compensate for their halitosis with their extreme cuteness. Like the smell of a baby’s head, puppy breath also fades over time as the dog grows older. Believe it or not, the conditions that breed puppy breath mean the pup’s mouth is cleaner and healthier than their older counterparts. 

New VHS Cases

Younger generations may never experience the unique smell of a brand-new VHS case that has never been cracked open. These cases, protective covers for a piece of now-ancient technology, were resplendent in displaying the movie wound around the two plastic reels. Speaking of winding, do you remember the sound of the tape spooling back onto the first reel? 

Replace the Gas Smell in Your Car With a Drift Car Freshener

As enticing as the smell of gas may be for some people, replacing those weird car smells with something fresh and new makes all the difference to others. Drift luxury car fresheners infuse your vehicle’s interior with exclusive scents designed with your olfactory pleasure in mind. Explore Drift’s lineup of signature car fresheners and subscribe to the Scent of the Month Club to receive a premium scent every month.

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